Gettysburg Battlefield Resort December Newsletter, 2024

Dec 1, 2024

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the grounds
Not a golf cart was running
Only a few RVs were around

In the store Carly and Michelle
Had Inventoried all that was left to sell
At the host shack, Carolyn had swept the floor
Afterwards Mary Lou had locked up the door

Outside the Lodge Chris strung lights that gleam
Inside Wonda and Karen had vacuumed and cleaned
A decorated tree by the window stood
And a fire burned brightly with freshly cut wood

Wally, Jeff, Pete, and of course our man Sam
Had been steady at work since early am
Gathering shovels and prepping for snow
And salting the roads to keep them ready to go

Casey, Bruce, and Mr. Wade have checked every site
And our manager James, had turned off the lights
When suddenly he heard something he couldn’t ignore
A sound he had heard once many years before

There by the porch an older man stood
With beard, round belly, red coat and hood
Not just that, but a gorgeous sleigh
With six beautiful reindeer who snorted and played
“Ah, I see, you do remember!
I come with gifts your members”

“These gifts are special and can’t be wrapped”
Said the jolly old man as he opened his sack
Out came boxes of gratitude, and packages of cheer
Of love and light from all those we hold dear

He then turned away and gathered his gear
And said, “Merry Christmas to all and happy New Year!”
Then his sleigh did rise, and reindeer took flight
And off he went, into the pale moonlight.

Now you might believe this can’t be true
That there was no Santa and no reindeer that flew
That James fell asleep, working an all-nighter
But someone else saw it all - this faithful writer.

So, to all our members here and afar
From every staff member at GBR
May your Christmas wish come true
May you be surrounded by love this year anew
And we hope you know wherever you roam
You feel the campground is your second home.

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